Movie Reviews

2025 Best Picture Nominees Ranked

It’s Oscar Sunday, and Movies Up Close’s annual rankings of the Best Picture Nominees are here. This year, I shortened my review format so that each review/analysis consists of only a paragraph of 200 words or less (except for Dune, which I wrote a full commentary about earlier this year). Each ranked entry is linked to its review on this site. Quite a few of these contain spoilers; you’ve been warned.

As usual, after the rankings I’ve included some brief commentary about the field as a whole.

Without further ado:

10. Emilia Pérez
9. Wicked
8. A Complete Unknown
7. Dune: Part 2
6. Conclave
5. Nickel Boys
4. The Substance
3. The Brutalist
2. I’m Still Here
1. Anora

Last year’s Best Picture field, as I wrote then, was maybe the strongest since the expansion of the field to ten nominees. This year’s, though, is one of the weakest. I didn’t extract any significant takeaways from movies 6-10 on this list, except, perhaps, in the case of #10, that one may escape justice for mass murder by switching their gender. Movies 7-9 simply lack the ambition for this kind of recognition: calling them crowd pleasers would be fair enough, but, just like people pleasers, you’ll get sick of them soon. (Where are all the Barbie stans now, huh?)

On the plus side, the top three on this list offer durable, challenging viewing experiences. I had to think hard about which of the three to award the top spot; they’re each deserving in different ways. But the intensities of I’m Still Here and The Brutalist, while formidable, taper as their runtimes go. Only Anora climbs in emotion throughout, culminating in this year’s most remarkable scene: a beaten down woman receiving perhaps the first kindness of her life—certainly the first from a man—a proof of goodness in the world, like Willy Wonka’s gobstopper, except Ani, closing her fingers around it, has, like the rest of us, no chocolate factory to bequeath; not even her body will do; she has only her own kindness to offer in return, which will never and can never be enough: for the first time ever, the transaction will never be finished, the rates never established, the money never counted. Breaking down in the closing seconds, she sees the gargantuan responsibility ahead of her—but this is life, or at least life outside the vicious influence of the ultra-rich, from which, like Ani, we would all do well to escape.

–Jim Andersen


Movie Review – I’m Still Here

I’m Still Here is an intimate, subtle film about the emotional toll parents absorb on behalf of their children—especially in times of danger and violence. Fernanda Torres’ performance as Eunice, the wife of a former congressman murdered by Brazil’s military dictatorship, is the best I’ve seen this year. It’s a performance that combines passion with restraint: when the news of her character’s husband’s death inevitably arrives, she doesn’t fall into hysterics; after all, the kids are right around the corner. And when she announces that the family must move to Sao Paulo—a signal to the older children that their father may never come home—she continues with a heroic, “Pass the salt.” Sheltering her kids from horrible realities, though, has its price: later scenes reveal that, while they’ve grown up to be successful and well-adjusted, Eunice will never move past her husband’s disappearance—that it was, tragically, the central event of her life. People are not replaceable; families are not rebuildable. It’s apolitical messages like these that often make the most powerful political statements—in this case, a timely reminder to oppose those who would devalue human life from perches of leadership.

–Jim Andersen


Movie Review – Anora

Anora is a resonant, thought-provoking satire of modern relationships. I interpret it as an endgame case of the transactional approach to romance: Ivan, a young man of boundless wealth, marries Ani, his sexy escort, forging the shallowest marriage imaginable: neither has anything to offer the other beyond surface appeals. As Ivan’s handlers scramble to undo the misguided pairing, the ugly qualities of both newlyweds surge to the forefront—a fast-forwarded version, perhaps, of what would have, in less dramatic circumstances, gradually devolved into Real Housewives-type turmoil. Some may find such a story difficult to love, since none of the main characters appear capable of that emotion: Ivan and his family are evil menaces, and Ani is a gold digger, plain and simple. But wait. After Ivan returns to Russia, too ensconced by riches to learn any real lessons, Ani, forced by her humble situation to confront the events, reaches a different final note as the credits roll to the sound of windshield wipers—wiping away, perhaps, her old self, her old identity, clearing the way, as all great stories do, for someone new.

–Jim Andersen

Movie Reviews

Movie Review – Nickel Boys

Nickel Boys is an unusual adaptation with some bold directorial decisions. Not all of them worked for me, but originality is hard to come by, and this film about an atypical subject—friendship between young boys—told in atypical fashion—via first-person camerawork, as usually reserved for the likes of Michael Myers—stands as a welcome curiosity among the Best Picture field. My appreciation for it has grown in the two days since I watched it. In one scene, for example, the protagonist readies to receive a vicious beating, but the movie, instead of depicting it, cuts to a series of old photos of beaten boys, emphasizing the shared rather than the personal nature of his experience. I didn’t like that choice while I was watching, but now, I see that it was correct: this isn’t a story about violence, like 12 Years a Slave; it’s a story about memories: how the traumatic ones hold us down, and how the good ones—the ones about the people we love—lift us up. The film leaves things out, yes, but only because we’ve forgotten them. Even poor Turner, excavating his damaged mind, can only uncover, when it comes to the worst horrors, those cold, clinical photographs.

–Jim Andersen



Movie Review – A Complete Unknown

In February 2024, I wrote in my review of Maestro: “Every year, I watch all ten nominees for the Best Picture Oscar, which means that every year, I have to spend a whole evening watching somebody impersonate a musician.” Well, here we are again. A Complete Unknown takes us to the 1960’s folk scene to teach us…nothing too interesting. That Bob Dylan was a very good musician, I suppose. And that Timothée Chalamet is a good actor (although this latter statement lands, in my opinion, less convincingly). If you’re a devoted fan of either person, you’ll probably enjoy this movie, but even then, idol worship only goes so far toward dramatic entertainment: the movie climaxes with Dylan’s decision to use an electric guitar at a concert—a watershed moment, apparently, for the music industry, but a pretty humdrum one as far as cinematic payoffs go. These types of movies are made for people who don’t like movies, and I do, so I’ll never be their intended audience.  Contextualize my thoughts accordingly.

–Jim Andersen


Movie Review – The Brutalist

The Brutalist, a bold study of immigration’s unforgiving delirium, is one of the year’s best and most challenging films. When Laszlo Toth (Adrien Brody) arrives to Ellis Island, he sees the Statue of Liberty upside-down, then sideways. It foreshadows his ensuing struggle with the American dream: there will be liberty, yes, but it will always be crooked, askew, off-kilter: nothing will ever come straightforwardly. For the next three-and-a-half hours, Toth labors for a capricious America, which first disparages him, then lauds him, then stymies him, then helps him, then abuses him, and on and on—until he emigrates out of sheer exhaustion. In one sequence exemplifying this madcap saga, his osteoporotic wife wakes up screaming in pain; to soothe her, he doses her with secretly-stashed heroin; then, the two have passionate sex; soon after, she nearly dies by overdose; later, the two reconcile in a hospital. All in one night. Was his life really, then—as a peppy epilogue suggests—about the destination, not the journey? Which part of the film would you rather watch?

–Jim Andersen

Movie Reviews

Movie Review – Wicked

I’ve now encountered the story of Wicked in its book, stage, and movie iterations, and none of them have made any sense to me. I can admire the new film for its set design, choreography, musical performances, and CGI visuals; unfortunately, these achievements are shackled to the latest rendition of the bizarre narrative that reimagines the hag from The Wizard of Oz as a bullied-teen-turned-leftist-freedom-fighter. In some scenes, a theme of intolerance emerges, suggesting serious designs. But the bulk of the runtime instead bops between random spectacles, finally hardening into an inscrutable mishmash of Harry Potter, High School Musical, and Jim Carrey’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! An intriguing opening, for example, promises a philosophical examination into whether wickedness is inborn or the result of one’s environment. But no such thing materializes: major ensuing sequences include two narcissists falling in love, a bookish girl receiving a lesson in attracting boys, and the casting of an ancient spell that makes monkeys fly. So…it was environment, I guess?

–Jim Andersen


Movie Review – Emilia Pérez

I’m tough on movies, and I’ve criticized plenty that have had their merits. The utterly wrongheaded Emilia Pérez, though, has none. It enters catastrophic waters as early as its second full musical number: surely mine isn’t the only mouth from which an involuntary “oh, no” escaped when a lawyer began sauntering through a sex change clinic, ordering major surgeries like groceries. As a bandaged ensemble joined in, harmonizing cheerily from operating tables and wheelchairs, I realized with growing dread that the Academy had brought something unholy into the light: an experiment from the lab of political correctness gone horribly, intrinsically wrong; a landmark of faulty acclaim; Crash but worse, much worse. This tale of a mass murderer who gets off scot-free (nay, becomes a hero) after transitioning to a woman is every bit as problematic, reductive, and ethically unserious as it sounds, and even its music makes Joker: Folie a Deux sound melodiously lively. Watch it, and enjoy the surefire privilege, next year, of saying about an undeserving nominee: “At least it was no Emilia Pérez!”

–Jim Andersen

Movie Reviews

Movie Review – The Substance

The Substance isn’t, I suppose, very good—but dammit, I liked it anyway. A fable about the perils of remaking oneself to meet the wants of others, it aims to be a feminist Being John Malkovich, and in a smattering of memorable scenes, it succeeds. Unfortunately, the bulk of the film lacks discipline, judgment, and the basic plausibility that even sci-fi and horror movies are expected to provide. (Does this woman have any family, friends, or acquaintances?) I wish, too, that it would have opened itself up more broadly as a relatable tale for media-pressured women (and men) everywhere; instead, as its ill-advised finale makes disturbingly clear, its true interest is in the singular experience of aging Hollywood starlets. The Substance will therefore be remembered best in bits: my memory is already filtering the overlong narrative into a few compelling YouTube clips, generously forgetting the plentiful mistakes that douse the complete work’s Kaufman-esque aspirations and leave it an ugly, graceless, zombified resurrection of classics like Sunset Boulevard and, especially, All About Eve. But hey: it has those bits, doesn’t it?

–Jim Andersen

Movie Reviews

Movie Review – Conclave

Conclave is a screenplay-driven film that, while smart, disappears into an unfortunate valley between realism and zaniness. Cardinals don’t behave like this; no one seriously believes that they do. Yet director Edward Berger and screenwriter Peter Straughan won’t quite relinquish the premise that, yes, actually, they do—so their creation has neither credibility nor artistic flourish. Had they freed themselves of the constraints of accuracy, we might have had something as fun as Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite; had they doubled down on realism, we might have had the majesty that the subject matter demanded—think Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon. But they’ve done neither: they’ve given us The West Wing with popes. Indeed, this movie’s true Holy Spirit may be Aaron Sorkin, whose influence suffuses characters, wondrously, miraculously, with liberalist speeches so rhetorically sound as to ensure, even for an otherwise unremarkable tale, access to the kingdom of award season success.

–Jim Andersen